Unintentional Reference Slamming – when a former employer responds to a reference inquiry by giving vague information about your employment or expressing doubt about your abilities. They may not mean it, but their comments are not being helpful in your job search.
Intentional Reference Slamming – when a former employer discloses so much negative information about your employment that it would be impossible for you to get a new job.
Are you a Victim of Reference Slamming?
What are former bosses or coworkers saying about you and your job performance?
You interview well, but still no job offers, and you’re not sure why?
Is your former employer disclosing untrue (false) information?
What have your co-workers been saying about your employment?
FACT: You need to know what your former employer is saying about you. Without that information, all the time you spent on your resume, interview preparation, time and effort going on interviews, etc. will get you nothing.
After years of loyal service and excellent reviews, you have a right to expect a good reference from your former employer. You may be getting “Reference Slammed” by your former boss.